In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.{1} Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;{2} Most Gracious, Most Merciful;{3} Master of the Day of Judgment.{4} Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek,{5} Show us the straight way,{6} The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.{7

Softball Coaching Tips – On Using MP3 Players and Cellphones

Softball Coaching Tips – On Using MP3 Players and Cellphones

The great thing with today’s technology is that it has made it easy for almost everyone to communicate and enjoy their favorite music.

With cellular phones, you can get connected with your friends and colleagues every time through calls and text messages. And with the newer generation of these phones, you can even receive your email, get directions through GPS, and check the web almost everywhere.

And in the case of MP3 players, you can now bring along your music with you anywhere you go. With today’s batch of players, you can literally bring along with you thousands of songs in a little package. That’s of course way better than lugging around a bunch of tapes and a humongous Walkman, for those old enough to remember what I’m talking about.

But for all the benefits of these gadgets, they could also be detrimental to your players’ performance when taken in the context of softball. These gadgets could cause a major distraction to your players that could prevent them from performing well, or from immediately getting what you’re trying to tell them.

The secret here is that you, as the coach, should help your players strike the balance between the benefits of using these gadgets and their negative effects on your players’ game.

So how do you prevent your players from getting distracted by MP3 players and cellphones? Here are some of my suggestions:

1. Tell them to keep their cellular phones in their bags during team-oriented activities. These activities include practices, meals with teammates and of course, games. Tell them that they can only use their cellular phone before and after these activities. However, if they really need to use this device,, let them ask for your permission first.

2. Let them use their MP3 players when you think it can benefit them. Ever noticed how plugging earphones on your ears can help you focus on the task you’re doing? This kind of focus brought about by MP3 players can be beneficial to your players.

So let them use it during practice or training. But advise them not to turn it up too loud so that they can still hear you just in case you have to tell them something.

Aside from practices, you can also let them use their players during long trips to help them feel psyched and help prevent boredom.

Finally, listening to music can also help them relax before games and while doing their warm-ups, so you tell them to use their players during those times.

But remember that some players might prefer to do away with MP3 players. So all in all, using MP3 players during the occasions I’ve mentioned should be optional.

3. Absolutely no distractions when you’re talking to them. When you’re talking, you want your team to listen. So you should keep their attention away from their gadgets and let them focus on what you’re saying. That way, they don’t miss any concept, strategy or advice that you want to tell them.

Again, it’s about helping your players balance the benefits of MP3 players and cellular phones to their game. When you want to keep them from getting bored during road trips, or help them focus while training, these gadgets would be really helpful.

But if it’s about listening to what you’re saying or doing team-oriented activities, then these things should be a no-no.

Softball Coaching Tips – How to Build Mentally Tough Players

Softball Coaching Tips – How to Build Mentally Tough Players

Mental toughness is probably one of the more difficult concepts to teach when it comes to softball coaching. For one, unlike teaching players how to swing the bat or throw the ball, a coach cannot simply demonstrate to players how it is to be mentally tough.

Another thing is that just like habits, a person’s way of thinking isn’t something that’s easy to change or reverse. So if for example you have a player who’s naturally shy, it may be quite a challenge to tell her to put on a game face when she’s already on the field.

But you cannot deny the importance of having mentally tough players. These players are those are confident enough to face opponents on the field, never backs down in the face of adversity and never bends to pressure especially in very important games.

If you want to have mentally tough players, here are some softball coaching tips I have for you:

Let them be Aware of their Body Language

Mental toughness may be in the realm of the mind, but it sure does manifest itself on how your players carry themselves.

Take a good look at your players when they’re on the field. See how what signals you pick up from their body language. If you see anyone slouching, lacking intensity in their moves, idly carrying their bats, call their attention. These are sure signs that they lack mental toughness. And when your opponents pick these signs up, they’ll surely eat your players alive.

So you must teach them how to change their body language when they are on the field. When they’re batting, teach them how to carry their bats confidently while they’re on their way to the plate. Let them stand tall when they’re walking. These things will surely have a psychological effect on your opponents.

Let them Overcome the Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is one of the biggest enemies your players will have. It prevents them from trying to hit the ball one more time, steal a base, or try to be better at their game.

So give your players enough leeway to commit mistakes during practice and during the game. And make those mistakes an opportunity not to shout at them or berate, but to show them how they can improve further.

Let them Mentally Prepare for the Game

Another secret of mentally tough players is that they’re mentally prepared to play the game. So they’re prepared for whatever comes their way.

Teach your players to develop a routine that will help them loosen up and develop their game face before every game. That way, they’re all psychologically prepared for what’s in store for them once they step on the plate.

These three things: body language, overcoming the fear of failure, mentally preparing for the game, are just some of the most effective ways of helping your players develop their mental toughness.

Remind them always that softball is both a physical and mental game. Show them how their mind works can affect the way they play the game, as well as the way their opponents see them. And over time, you will hopefully develop them well enough to create better and more confident players out of them.

What It Takes to Have Good and Proper Softball Fielding Skills

What It Takes to Have Good and Proper Softball Fielding Skills

We all know that the pitcher is very important in a softball game but next to that, the second most valuable role is softball fielding or what is commonly known as catching. A notable catcher is able to prevent the runners from going to the next base towards homerun and at the same time, aid the pitcher to dictate the correct pitches and guard against the opposing team. It takes a long period of time to be able to develop a catcher's skills through proper training and instruction before he can achieve success.

A prerequisite of softball fielding is a firm, solid throwing arm and the only means to ensure that you develop one is to throw frequently. You can have practice sessions as often as you want such as three times a week or so.

And then, conditioning your throwing arm is very important. So, you need to be sure that you perform exercise routines that would keep your arm properly conditioned in order to avoid injuries. For example, stretching exercises can be done to warm up your muscles.

Next, you need to practice short distance throwing that would stress the proper arm form. And, gradually, after a few sets of throws, you can now attempt to throw harder and initiate long distance throwing up to sixty feet. It is best to end up practicing with long distance throwing, which is the opposite of what happens in a game because it is easier for you to manage short distance throwing as you get used to the other.

After throwing, a catcher must learn proper aiming as he needs to throw the ball to where an opposing runner would be going. The throw must be low and linear. It is much better if a catcher would throw the ball where the dirt is compared to throwing it above the head of an infielder. A catcher must practice throwing and aiming to each base for at least ten times so, he would be able to obtain proper softball conditioning. In addition, a catcher's throws would be more efficient if he adapts the squatted, catcher stance in the beginning. And after practicing throws that are similar as to those done during a game, the catcher should be able to tone down with shorter throws that focus on mechanics and the use of legs and gradually, to the distance he began with. Afterwards, he must perform the same stretching exercises he did in the beginning. If the catcher is able to do practice sessions regularly, then, there is a stronger chance for him to strengthen and properly condition his arm in a very short amount of time.

Although, throwing is important, a catcher must also learn proper footwork as his steps are shorter and faster compared to that of a shortstop. And you would be able to work on it through proper drills that you can practice along with the throws.

All in all, with correct training and regular practice sessions, it is sure that you would be able to grow into one hell of a catcher.

Softball Hitting Tips – Choosing the Right Softball Bat

Softball Hitting Tips – Choosing the Right Softball Bat

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just pick up any bat and yet hit the ball consistently? However, that is never the case. Different types of softball bats would have different effects on the way you perform on the plate.

That’s why it’s important that you choose the right bat for you. If you know what softball bat’s right for you and use it, your game will be much better and significantly more consistent.

But choosing the right softball bat isn’t just about buying what’s cheap, expensive, or what looks nice. It’s all about knowing what will greatly benefit your performance. So it pays to know how to choose the right bat for you.

If you need help in choosing the right softball bat, I have the guide just for you.

Bat Length

Let’s begin with the length. The right bat length will improve your accuracy and hitting distance because you’ll be able to hit the ball in the bat’s sweet spot much easier this way.

An easy way of checking the right bat length for you is by checking its length against your height. Ideally, you would want a bat that’s around half of your height.

Or you could also choose the ideal bat for you by comparing its length to your age. Younger players should use bats around 24-31 inches in length. Adolescent players could go for longer bats.

Bat Weight

Another thing you should check out when buying a bat is the weight. If you’re a young player or a beginner, it would benefit you if you settle with lighter bats to help you develop your swing and to prevent the risk of injury. If you’re a more experienced player, you probably would choose heavier bats for increased swinging power.

Materials Used in Softball Bats

Then there are the different materials used in bats. Today, you’ll rarely find softball bats made out of wood. The most popular materials being used for softball bats today are aluminum and aluminum bats lined with graphite/titanium.

Both of these types of bats are made of light materials so you can swing the bat much easier if they’re made of either of these. Another plus is that aside from being light, these materials are also very durable so they can endure the wear and tear that they’re subjected to during games and practice.

But what’s the difference between plain aluminum bats and aluminum bats lined with graphite/titanium? The addition of graphite and titanium to aluminum bats make them less susceptible to vibration, especially when you don’t hit the ball in the bat’s sweet spot.

Barrel Size, Taper and Grip

You should also consider the bat’s barrel size, taper and grip when buying a softball bat. But what do they mean? I’ll try to explain things simply for you here.

A larger barrel size (the combination of the bat’s length and diameter), the larger the sweet spot. However, bats with large barrel size are heavier, so take that in consideration when buying a bat.

Then there’s the taper which is the diameter of the bat’s handle. Just like the barrel size, the larger the taper, the heavier the bat will be.

Finally, the grip refers to the material used to cover the bat’s handle. There are different materials used in grip, ranging from leather to rubber. Depending on the material, the grip can either increase your grip on the bat or reduce shock when hitting the ball.

Now that you know things like bat length, weight, barrel, taper and grip, what should you do next? Check out your local sports shop and look for the type of bat that you think meets your expectations on the right bat dimensions. But more than that, also try to swing that bat several times to see if that’s indeed the bat you need, from the length to the weight.

At the end of the day, I hope this guide has helped you choose the perfect softball bat that will take your game to the next level.

Softball Hitting Techniques to Improve Your Game

Softball Hitting Techniques to Improve Your Game

Do you want to produce more runs for your team? Do you want to have the ability to keep the ball out of your opponent’s reach every time you hit the ball?

Then you must work on your softball hitting techniques. Each player have his own unique way of approaching how to hit the ball, but there are some techniques that will help you improve your batting much better.

Want to know what these hitting techniques are? Then read on and find out more about them.


Let’s begin with the grip. You might not be aware of it, but the way how you grip the bat can have a significant impact on where and how far the ball will go.

There are many players who tend to choke the bat thinking it would provide them with more control and power when they hit the ball. But that isn’t the case, unfortunately. When you grip the bat too tightly, you will reduce the power of your batting, unless of course that’s what you’re aiming for.

But if you want to bring the ball further out of the field, your grip must be loose. You must hold the bat with your fingers and not with your palms. Also make your wrists a little more flexible to further loosen your grip on the bat.


The way you swing the bat will also affect how far out you can take the ball when you hit it. Although it may seem that swinging is largely dependent on your arms and shoulders, the foundation of a good swing begins with your legs and hips. So keep in mind how you bend your knees and rotate your hips when hitting the ball.

Of course, your shoulders do play an important role in your swing as well. When trying to hit the ball, your shoulders must remain relaxed. This will help you keep your eyes on the approaching ball better and you will have more control of your swing.

Follow Through

A lot players cut their swing short just after they’ve hit the ball. But you must always follow through whenever you hit the ball, as it can help you get the ball further compared to stopping your swing abruptly.

To get a good follow through with your swing, you should let your arms extend and your wrists roll over, with your hands ending near your front shoulder and your chin on the back shoulder.

If you’re not practicing your follow through just yet, I strongly recommend that you do so. Because as much as it seems insignificant on how you hit the ball, the truth is that you can drive the ball further with a good follow through.

So let me sum up for you the softball hitting techniques I discussed in this article. If you want to be able to hit the ball further and harder, you should keep in mind to keep your grip on the bat loose, your swing should begin with your legs and hips, and finally, you must always follow your bat through.

Softball Pitching Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Softball Pitching Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Whatever sport you play, there’s always the risk of getting injured while you play. While this is usually true for contact sports such as basketball and football, players of non-contact sports are also at risk for injuries.

The reason for this is that when you’re playing a particular sport, your body is subjected to so much strain that the wear and tear might eventually catch up with you if you’re not careful.

And that can happen when you’re a softball pitcher. It goes without saying that injuries can cause you a lot of physical pain and could sideline you probably for a long time, depending on your type of injury. That’s why you should avoid the risk of injury as much as possible.

Usual Causes of Softball Pitching Injuries

The most common cause of softball pitching injuries is overuse. As its name suggests, overuse is when you subject your muscle, tendons and ligaments to the same routine over and over again.

Remember what I said earlier about wear and tear taking a toll on your body? That’s what happens with overuse injuries. You subject a certain part of your body to too much strain that it eventually becomes injured.

Another type of injury is caused by pulled muscles. This can occur when you don’t give your body sufficient time to stretch and warm up. Because of this, the muscles are not primed to do the strenuous activities that you want them to do such as pitching. As with any type of injury, pulled muscles can be very painful.

There are several other softball pitching injuries, but the two I have mentioned are by far the most common.

But the good thing is that you can avoid softball pitching injuries if you know the right thing to do.

Avoiding Softball Pitching Injuries

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

That line may already sound trite, but you can never deny the truth the lies beneath it. So you must try to avoid injuries at all costs.

The most basic way of preventing overuse injuries and pulled muscles is by getting enough stretches and warm-ups before a game or practice. Stretching and warming up will help loosen up your muscles. Having tight muscles is usually the cause of injuries such as pulled muscles.

To avoid overuse injuries, you should also give your body enough time to rest and recover after a day of practicing or playing. Softball is a fun game to play, but injuries take the fun out of it, so learn to give your body a rest.

And finally, you should also work on getting your pitching mechanics right. The correct pitching mechanics helps you throw pitches more efficiently and with minimal strain that may cause injuries.

To sum it up, the most common softball pitching injuries include overuse injuries and pulled muscles. But injuries like these can be avoided with the right amount of stretching, warm-ups, rest and the proper pitching mechanics.

So learn how to avoid pitching injuries today and be able to enjoy softball for longer.

Softball Coaching Tips – On Using MP3 Players and Cellphones

Softball Coaching Tips – On Using MP3 Players and Cellphones

The great thing with today’s technology is that it has made it easy for almost everyone to communicate and enjoy their favorite music.

With cellular phones, you can get connected with your friends and colleagues every time through calls and text messages. And with the newer generation of these phones, you can even receive your email, get directions through GPS, and check the web almost everywhere.

And in the case of MP3 players, you can now bring along your music with you anywhere you go. With today’s batch of players, you can literally bring along with you thousands of songs in a little package. That’s of course way better than lugging around a bunch of tapes and a humongous Walkman, for those old enough to remember what I’m talking about.

But for all the benefits of these gadgets, they could also be detrimental to your players’ performance when taken in the context of softball. These gadgets could cause a major distraction to your players that could prevent them from performing well, or from immediately getting what you’re trying to tell them.

The secret here is that you, as the coach, should help your players strike the balance between the benefits of using these gadgets and their negative effects on your players’ game.

So how do you prevent your players from getting distracted by MP3 players and cellphones? Here are some of my suggestions:

1. Tell them to keep their cellular phones in their bags during team-oriented activities. These activities include practices, meals with teammates and of course, games. Tell them that they can only use their cellular phone before and after these activities. However, if they really need to use this device,, let them ask for your permission first.

2. Let them use their MP3 players when you think it can benefit them. Ever noticed how plugging earphones on your ears can help you focus on the task you’re doing? This kind of focus brought about by MP3 players can be beneficial to your players.

So let them use it during practice or training. But advise them not to turn it up too loud so that they can still hear you just in case you have to tell them something.

Aside from practices, you can also let them use their players during long trips to help them feel psyched and help prevent boredom.

Finally, listening to music can also help them relax before games and while doing their warm-ups, so you tell them to use their players during those times.

But remember that some players might prefer to do away with MP3 players. So all in all, using MP3 players during the occasions I’ve mentioned should be optional.

3. Absolutely no distractions when you’re talking to them. When you’re talking, you want your team to listen. So you should keep their attention away from their gadgets and let them focus on what you’re saying. That way, they don’t miss any concept, strategy or advice that you want to tell them.

Again, it’s about helping your players balance the benefits of MP3 players and cellular phones to their game. When you want to keep them from getting bored during road trips, or help them focus while training, these gadgets would be really helpful.

But if it’s about listening to what you’re saying or doing team-oriented activities, then these things should be a no-no.

Softball Coaching Tips – Quick Nutrition Tips for Your Players

Softball Coaching Tips – Quick Nutrition Tips for Your Players

I’m sure that majority of softball coaches appreciate the importance of good nutrition to their players. However, as a softball coach, your players may not have the same level of appreciation you have for nutrition, much less the same level of understanding.

That’s perfectly normal, of course, especially if you’re training younger players. They still don’t appreciate the fact that what they eat will ultimately have an effect on how they perform not only on the field but on their daily activities such as going to school, doing their homework, etc.

So here are some quick nutrition tips you could teach your players. I made them easy enough to remember so that your players would be able to integrate it with their daily routine and make it into a habit.

Here you go:

Never Skip Breakfast

It may sound trite but the truth is that really, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many players miss breakfast because they’re running late for class or for practice.

But without having breakfast, your players will have a huge deficit when it comes to their required calories to function. And as athletes, they need more than the usual amount of calories in their body. With calorie deficit come feeling of sluggishness, slow reaction times, etc.

So remind your players on the importance of having breakfast daily.

Stay Well-Hydrated

Most players never drink enough fluids. Usually, they wait until they feel thirsty before loading up on water or sports drinks. But by the time they feel thirsty, they are already dehydrated and the effects of dehydration may already manifest itself on their performance.

That’s why you should tell your players to stay well-hydrated before going to a game. Also have sports drinks or water ready in the dug out to keep your players supplied with fluids. I know it’s obvious, but hydration becomes even more important when you’re playing during very hot conditions.

Stock Up on Carbohydrates During Games

Carbohydrates are the main fuel that your body uses to perform different activities. That’s why it’s important that your players are well-stocked on carbohydrates before the game.

But how about protein and fat? Protein is good for repairing damage on your body. Meanwhile, fat can also be an energy source, albeit an inefficient one. That’s because fat burns more slowly than carbohydrates.

Aside from that, fat is also difficult to digest. So eating fatty foods during a game would be a bad idea because it will make your players feel sluggish.

Load Up After Games

Your body needs to recover after every game or practice. So you need to refuel with carbohydrates. As a guide, eat 0.3-0.5 gram of carbohydrates for every pound of your body weight. That should keep you with enough fuel to do your activities for the next day and the next game.

So let me summarize everything we discussed here. When it comes to sports nutrition, the easiest for your players to remember include never skipping breakfast, keeping well-hydrated, having enough stocks of carbs during games and eating enough to help you recover after games and practice.

Tips on Coaching Softball Hitting

Tips on Coaching Softball Hitting

If you want to have a well-rounded team, you must teach them how to perform all the aspects of the game well. You should teach them how to pitch and throw the ball correctly. You should also show them how to slide. And of course, you should teach them how to hit with more power and accuracy.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of so-called hitting coaches who do not have an idea on how to teach players how to hit the ball correctly. They only tell players to do this and that but never really know if that’s what the particular player really needs to improve her hitting. Worse, these coaches never show players HOW to do it.

So if you want to improve your team’s hitting, here are some of my softball hitting tips for you.

Before You Teach Softball Hitting Techniques

First, you should begin by looking into each of your player’s hitting technique. You could do this by letting them hit the ball several times and find out what they’re doing. But if you want to be more accurate in your analysis, I strongly recommend that you videotape their swings so you can review them several times, and if possible, slow it down.

Once you’ve nailed down what’s working and not for each of your players, you should provide each of them with feedback. It eats up your time but it’s something that will truly help your team become better hitters.

But what particular areas of softball hitting should you look out for?

Teaching Your Team the Proper Softball Hitting Techniques

One of the areas you should look out for is the stance. Teaching your players the proper stance is important for several reasons. For one, it helps them to keep their balance while on the plate. Another thing is that a confident or aggressive stance can also play a significant role in the mental part of the game.

You should also teach your players how to handle the bat correctly. The tendency of most players is to choke the handle of the bat, hoping that it will provide them with better grip and control. It does provide them with better grip, but gripping the bat tightly reduces the bat and ball speed. Tell them to loosen up their grip on the bat instead.

Anticipation is also important for your players to hit the ball with greater accuracy. To improve your team’s anticipation and accuracy, teach them how the track the path of the ball from the time it leaves the pitcher’s hand to the time it goes within their hitting range.

All in all, it’s about teaching your players the correct softball hitting mechanics. When they know how to hit the ball correctly, they will be able to do it with lesser effort but with more accuracy and power. And as a coach, there’s probably nothing more you could wish for from an offensive point of view.

But you should also take a scientific approach at coaching your players in doing the correct hitting mechanics. Take the time to individually analyze the way they hit the ball so you can provide each of them with specific advice on how to improve their hitting.

Softball Pitching Techniques – Playing Mind Games with Your Opponents

Softball Pitching Techniques – Playing Mind Games with Your Opponents

If you think that softball is a game won by who’s strongest, then you’re in for a surprise. The truth of the matter is that softball is a mental game as much as it is a physical one.

One of the key components of playing mind games in softball is your ability to deceive your opponent. With that ability, you keep your opponents guessing about your next move. And if they don’t know what you’re doing next, then that would surely have a negative effect on how they’ll play their game.

And nobody benefits from mind games in softball than pitchers. More than just learning the most basic softball pitching techniques, you should also know how to use this knowledge to your advantage.

The Name of the Game is Deception

Deception is one of the greatest weapons that a pitcher can have in her arsenal. As a pitcher, you should expect opposing batters to have enough time to get used to how you throw your pitches.

And once they get used to your pitching style, then they’ll be hitting your throws – or not – easily, which you don’t want to happen.

That’s why it’s important that you master the different types of pitching there are. Having varied pitching styles keep the opposing batters guessing what you’re going to throw at them next. And when they can’t read the next step you’re taking, then they’ll have a lesser chance of hitting the ball.

The Different Pitches You can Use

There are a number of different pitches that you can choose from. For one, there’s the fastball. Fastballs are great if you know that the batter’s reaction time is a tad bit slow.

When you throw a fastball at this type of player, you can be sure that they won’t know what hit them even after the ball has reached the catcher’s glove.

There’s also the curve ball. A good curve ball leads a batter into thinking that the ball travels in a straight path, only for it to go off course as it gets near her.

But as far as deceiving batters go, nothing probably beats the change-up. This type of pitch makes your opponent believe that you’re throwing a fast ball. But all of a sudden, the ball slows down just as it gets near the plate.

The beauty of the change-up lies on the fact that it throws your opponent’s timing off. And when this happens, expect the batter to swing the ball much earlier in anticipation of what looked like a fastball.

Keep Your Throws Varied

Every pitcher has a favorite type of pitch. A particular pitch could be easier to throw or it could be something that batters find difficult to hit.

But if you’re a really smart pitcher, I strongly recommend that you vary your throws. I don’t care how often I’ll have to mention that here or in my other articles, but it’s one of the surest ways of becoming a pitcher that batters fear to face on the field.

So keep on practicing your different pitching techniques and keep them varied every time. Keep your opponents guessing and continue putting off their timing. Your coach and your teammates will love you for that.

What It Takes to Have Good and Proper Softball Fielding Skills

What It Takes to Have Good and Proper Softball Fielding Skills

We all know that the pitcher is very important in a softball game but next to that, the second most valuable role is softball fielding or what is commonly known as catching. A notable catcher is able to prevent the runners from going to the next base towards homerun and at the same time, aid the pitcher to dictate the correct pitches and guard against the opposing team. It takes a long period of time to be able to develop a catcher's skills through proper training and instruction before he can achieve success.

A prerequisite of softball fielding is a firm, solid throwing arm and the only means to ensure that you develop one is to throw frequently. You can have practice sessions as often as you want such as three times a week or so.

And then, conditioning your throwing arm is very important. So, you need to be sure that you perform exercise routines that would keep your arm properly conditioned in order to avoid injuries. For example, stretching exercises can be done to warm up your muscles.

Next, you need to practice short distance throwing that would stress the proper arm form. And, gradually, after a few sets of throws, you can now attempt to throw harder and initiate long distance throwing up to sixty feet. It is best to end up practicing with long distance throwing, which is the opposite of what happens in a game because it is easier for you to manage short distance throwing as you get used to the other.

After throwing, a catcher must learn proper aiming as he needs to throw the ball to where an opposing runner would be going. The throw must be low and linear. It is much better if a catcher would throw the ball where the dirt is compared to throwing it above the head of an infielder. A catcher must practice throwing and aiming to each base for at least ten times so, he would be able to obtain proper softball conditioning. In addition, a catcher's throws would be more efficient if he adapts the squatted, catcher stance in the beginning. And after practicing throws that are similar as to those done during a game, the catcher should be able to tone down with shorter throws that focus on mechanics and the use of legs and gradually, to the distance he began with. Afterwards, he must perform the same stretching exercises he did in the beginning. If the catcher is able to do practice sessions regularly, then, there is a stronger chance for him to strengthen and properly condition his arm in a very short amount of time.

Although, throwing is important, a catcher must also learn proper footwork as his steps are shorter and faster compared to that of a shortstop. And you would be able to work on it through proper drills that you can practice along with the throws.

All in all, with correct training and regular practice sessions, it is sure that you would be able to grow into one hell of a catcher.

Softball Hitting Tips – Choosing the Right Softball Bat

Softball Hitting Tips – Choosing the Right Softball Bat

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just pick up any bat and yet hit the ball consistently? However, that is never the case. Different types of softball bats would have different effects on the way you perform on the plate.

That’s why it’s important that you choose the right bat for you. If you know what softball bat’s right for you and use it, your game will be much better and significantly more consistent.

But choosing the right softball bat isn’t just about buying what’s cheap, expensive, or what looks nice. It’s all about knowing what will greatly benefit your performance. So it pays to know how to choose the right bat for you.

If you need help in choosing the right softball bat, I have the guide just for you.

Bat Length

Let’s begin with the length. The right bat length will improve your accuracy and hitting distance because you’ll be able to hit the ball in the bat’s sweet spot much easier this way.

An easy way of checking the right bat length for you is by checking its length against your height. Ideally, you would want a bat that’s around half of your height.

Or you could also choose the ideal bat for you by comparing its length to your age. Younger players should use bats around 24-31 inches in length. Adolescent players could go for longer bats.

Bat Weight

Another thing you should check out when buying a bat is the weight. If you’re a young player or a beginner, it would benefit you if you settle with lighter bats to help you develop your swing and to prevent the risk of injury. If you’re a more experienced player, you probably would choose heavier bats for increased swinging power.

Materials Used in Softball Bats

Then there are the different materials used in bats. Today, you’ll rarely find softball bats made out of wood. The most popular materials being used for softball bats today are aluminum and aluminum bats lined with graphite/titanium.

Both of these types of bats are made of light materials so you can swing the bat much easier if they’re made of either of these. Another plus is that aside from being light, these materials are also very durable so they can endure the wear and tear that they’re subjected to during games and practice.

But what’s the difference between plain aluminum bats and aluminum bats lined with graphite/titanium? The addition of graphite and titanium to aluminum bats make them less susceptible to vibration, especially when you don’t hit the ball in the bat’s sweet spot.

Barrel Size, Taper and Grip

You should also consider the bat’s barrel size, taper and grip when buying a softball bat. But what do they mean? I’ll try to explain things simply for you here.

A larger barrel size (the combination of the bat’s length and diameter), the larger the sweet spot. However, bats with large barrel size are heavier, so take that in consideration when buying a bat.

Then there’s the taper which is the diameter of the bat’s handle. Just like the barrel size, the larger the taper, the heavier the bat will be.

Finally, the grip refers to the material used to cover the bat’s handle. There are different materials used in grip, ranging from leather to rubber. Depending on the material, the grip can either increase your grip on the bat or reduce shock when hitting the ball.

Now that you know things like bat length, weight, barrel, taper and grip, what should you do next? Check out your local sports shop and look for the type of bat that you think meets your expectations on the right bat dimensions. But more than that, also try to swing that bat several times to see if that’s indeed the bat you need, from the length to the weight.

At the end of the day, I hope this guide has helped you choose the perfect softball bat that will take your game to the next level.

Softball Hitting Techniques to Improve Your Game

Softball Hitting Techniques to Improve Your Game

Do you want to produce more runs for your team? Do you want to have the ability to keep the ball out of your opponent’s reach every time you hit the ball?

Then you must work on your softball hitting techniques. Each player have his own unique way of approaching how to hit the ball, but there are some techniques that will help you improve your batting much better.

Want to know what these hitting techniques are? Then read on and find out more about them.


Let’s begin with the grip. You might not be aware of it, but the way how you grip the bat can have a significant impact on where and how far the ball will go.

There are many players who tend to choke the bat thinking it would provide them with more control and power when they hit the ball. But that isn’t the case, unfortunately. When you grip the bat too tightly, you will reduce the power of your batting, unless of course that’s what you’re aiming for.

But if you want to bring the ball further out of the field, your grip must be loose. You must hold the bat with your fingers and not with your palms. Also make your wrists a little more flexible to further loosen your grip on the bat.


The way you swing the bat will also affect how far out you can take the ball when you hit it. Although it may seem that swinging is largely dependent on your arms and shoulders, the foundation of a good swing begins with your legs and hips. So keep in mind how you bend your knees and rotate your hips when hitting the ball.

Of course, your shoulders do play an important role in your swing as well. When trying to hit the ball, your shoulders must remain relaxed. This will help you keep your eyes on the approaching ball better and you will have more control of your swing.

Follow Through

A lot players cut their swing short just after they’ve hit the ball. But you must always follow through whenever you hit the ball, as it can help you get the ball further compared to stopping your swing abruptly.

To get a good follow through with your swing, you should let your arms extend and your wrists roll over, with your hands ending near your front shoulder and your chin on the back shoulder.

If you’re not practicing your follow through just yet, I strongly recommend that you do so. Because as much as it seems insignificant on how you hit the ball, the truth is that you can drive the ball further with a good follow through.

So let me sum up for you the softball hitting techniques I discussed in this article. If you want to be able to hit the ball further and harder, you should keep in mind to keep your grip on the bat loose, your swing should begin with your legs and hips, and finally, you must always follow your bat through.

Softball Pitching Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Softball Pitching Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Whatever sport you play, there’s always the risk of getting injured while you play. While this is usually true for contact sports such as basketball and football, players of non-contact sports are also at risk for injuries.

The reason for this is that when you’re playing a particular sport, your body is subjected to so much strain that the wear and tear might eventually catch up with you if you’re not careful.

And that can happen when you’re a softball pitcher. It goes without saying that injuries can cause you a lot of physical pain and could sideline you probably for a long time, depending on your type of injury. That’s why you should avoid the risk of injury as much as possible.

Usual Causes of Softball Pitching Injuries

The most common cause of softball pitching injuries is overuse. As its name suggests, overuse is when you subject your muscle, tendons and ligaments to the same routine over and over again.

Remember what I said earlier about wear and tear taking a toll on your body? That’s what happens with overuse injuries. You subject a certain part of your body to too much strain that it eventually becomes injured.

Another type of injury is caused by pulled muscles. This can occur when you don’t give your body sufficient time to stretch and warm up. Because of this, the muscles are not primed to do the strenuous activities that you want them to do such as pitching. As with any type of injury, pulled muscles can be very painful.

There are several other softball pitching injuries, but the two I have mentioned are by far the most common.

But the good thing is that you can avoid softball pitching injuries if you know the right thing to do.

Avoiding Softball Pitching Injuries

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

That line may already sound trite, but you can never deny the truth the lies beneath it. So you must try to avoid injuries at all costs.

The most basic way of preventing overuse injuries and pulled muscles is by getting enough stretches and warm-ups before a game or practice. Stretching and warming up will help loosen up your muscles. Having tight muscles is usually the cause of injuries such as pulled muscles.

To avoid overuse injuries, you should also give your body enough time to rest and recover after a day of practicing or playing. Softball is a fun game to play, but injuries take the fun out of it, so learn to give your body a rest.

And finally, you should also work on getting your pitching mechanics right. The correct pitching mechanics helps you throw pitches more efficiently and with minimal strain that may cause injuries.

To sum it up, the most common softball pitching injuries include overuse injuries and pulled muscles. But injuries like these can be avoided with the right amount of stretching, warm-ups, rest and the proper pitching mechanics.

So learn how to avoid pitching injuries today and be able to enjoy softball for longer.

Tips on Coaching Softball Hitting

Tips on Coaching Softball Hitting

If you want to have a well-rounded team, you must teach them how to perform all the aspects of the game well. You should teach them how to pitch and throw the ball correctly. You should also show them how to slide. And of course, you should teach them how to hit with more power and accuracy.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of so-called hitting coaches who do not have an idea on how to teach players how to hit the ball correctly. They only tell players to do this and that but never really know if that’s what the particular player really needs to improve her hitting. Worse, these coaches never show players HOW to do it.

So if you want to improve your team’s hitting, here are some of my softball hitting tips for you.

Before You Teach Softball Hitting Techniques

First, you should begin by looking into each of your player’s hitting technique. You could do this by letting them hit the ball several times and find out what they’re doing. But if you want to be more accurate in your analysis, I strongly recommend that you videotape their swings so you can review them several times, and if possible, slow it down.

Once you’ve nailed down what’s working and not for each of your players, you should provide each of them with feedback. It eats up your time but it’s something that will truly help your team become better hitters.

But what particular areas of softball hitting should you look out for?

Teaching Your Team the Proper Softball Hitting Techniques

One of the areas you should look out for is the stance. Teaching your players the proper stance is important for several reasons. For one, it helps them to keep their balance while on the plate. Another thing is that a confident or aggressive stance can also play a significant role in the mental part of the game.

You should also teach your players how to handle the bat correctly. The tendency of most players is to choke the handle of the bat, hoping that it will provide them with better grip and control. It does provide them with better grip, but gripping the bat tightly reduces the bat and ball speed. Tell them to loosen up their grip on the bat instead.

Anticipation is also important for your players to hit the ball with greater accuracy. To improve your team’s anticipation and accuracy, teach them how the track the path of the ball from the time it leaves the pitcher’s hand to the time it goes within their hitting range.

All in all, it’s about teaching your players the correct softball hitting mechanics. When they know how to hit the ball correctly, they will be able to do it with lesser effort but with more accuracy and power. And as a coach, there’s probably nothing more you could wish for from an offensive point of view.

But you should also take a scientific approach at coaching your players in doing the correct hitting mechanics. Take the time to individually analyze the way they hit the ball so you can provide each of them with specific advice on how to improve their hitting.

Softball Pitching Techniques – Playing Mind Games with Your Opponents

Softball Pitching Techniques – Playing Mind Games with Your Opponents

If you think that softball is a game won by who’s strongest, then you’re in for a surprise. The truth of the matter is that softball is a mental game as much as it is a physical one.

One of the key components of playing mind games in softball is your ability to deceive your opponent. With that ability, you keep your opponents guessing about your next move. And if they don’t know what you’re doing next, then that would surely have a negative effect on how they’ll play their game.

And nobody benefits from mind games in softball than pitchers. More than just learning the most basic softball pitching techniques, you should also know how to use this knowledge to your advantage.

The Name of the Game is Deception

Deception is one of the greatest weapons that a pitcher can have in her arsenal. As a pitcher, you should expect opposing batters to have enough time to get used to how you throw your pitches.

And once they get used to your pitching style, then they’ll be hitting your throws – or not – easily, which you don’t want to happen.

That’s why it’s important that you master the different types of pitching there are. Having varied pitching styles keep the opposing batters guessing what you’re going to throw at them next. And when they can’t read the next step you’re taking, then they’ll have a lesser chance of hitting the ball.

The Different Pitches You can Use

There are a number of different pitches that you can choose from. For one, there’s the fastball. Fastballs are great if you know that the batter’s reaction time is a tad bit slow.

When you throw a fastball at this type of player, you can be sure that they won’t know what hit them even after the ball has reached the catcher’s glove.

There’s also the curve ball. A good curve ball leads a batter into thinking that the ball travels in a straight path, only for it to go off course as it gets near her.

But as far as deceiving batters go, nothing probably beats the change-up. This type of pitch makes your opponent believe that you’re throwing a fast ball. But all of a sudden, the ball slows down just as it gets near the plate.

The beauty of the change-up lies on the fact that it throws your opponent’s timing off. And when this happens, expect the batter to swing the ball much earlier in anticipation of what looked like a fastball.

Keep Your Throws Varied

Every pitcher has a favorite type of pitch. A particular pitch could be easier to throw or it could be something that batters find difficult to hit.

But if you’re a really smart pitcher, I strongly recommend that you vary your throws. I don’t care how often I’ll have to mention that here or in my other articles, but it’s one of the surest ways of becoming a pitcher that batters fear to face on the field.

So keep on practicing your different pitching techniques and keep them varied every time. Keep your opponents guessing and continue putting off their timing. Your coach and your teammates will love you for that.