In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.{1} Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;{2} Most Gracious, Most Merciful;{3} Master of the Day of Judgment.{4} Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek,{5} Show us the straight way,{6} The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.{7

Hit the Ball Like Never Before with These State-of-the-Art Softball Hitting Tools

Hit the Ball Like Never Before with These State-of-the-Art Softball Hitting Tools

For a true softball player, softball hitting is not as simple swinging your bat and hoping that you would hit the ball upon the pitcher's release. Aside from agility, strength and firm body control, it involves careful planning, preparation, sharpness of mind and mental toughness. When you walk out of the dugout and as soon as you hold the bat in your hand and stand in front of the umpire, you need to be able to:

-Read the body language of the opposing team's pitcher1

2-Anticipate how the ball would be released

3-Monitor while the ball is in motion

4-Create split-second decisions

5-Adjust your body to be flexible enough to hit the ball in diverse locations

However, if you want to improve your softball hitting skills while mentally preparing yourself at the same time, here are some softball hitting tools that you may use to enhance your skills for your next game.

Power Rope Ball

The Power Rope Ball has different variants depending on weight and color. You can use this equipment, which involves medicinal balls attached to rope handles, in order to enhance your overall rotational strength and power that can aid your bat swinging skills even more.

Fast Pitch Kicker

Do you want to improve on your batting skills even during off-season? You can do that now with the help of the Fast Pitch Kicker. This particular training bat device would be able to teach you how to swing properly as well as improve your strength, accuracy and handy-eye coordination.

Brush Top Batting Tee

The Brush Top Batting Tee is an excellent equipment that you can use in order to enhance your hand-eye coordination skills, making you feel as if you are hitting the ball on air. What is good about this tool is that it is durable enough to withstand prolonged use as its tubing is made out of polyurethane with a sleek new design for the top that is different from the usual tees.

Pitch Location Mat

Do you want help in determining how your bat would meet the ball and where you are going to drive the ball to? Then, look no further as here is the Pitch Location Mat that would simply teach you how to do this.

The Pitch Location Mat can be used with other equipment such as the Advanced Skills Tee, Single Skills Tee, Zone Hitter, Power Bags and Tru-Toss. Other than this, you can use the Pitch Location Mat is durable enough for prolonged enjoyment while you use it for live arm and soft toss hitting drills.

Power Bag

The Power Bag looks like a regular punching bag that allows you to develop strength and your overall batting skills. If you hit the Power Bag just right, you would be able to make it move higher and along with this, you would be able to enhance your hip rotation and hand position as well.

These are just a few of the softball hitting tools that we offer but rest assured that we have other products that can surely cater to your softball hitting needs.


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